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6 Stupid Things Job Seekers Believe About the Social Media

Professionals cannot afford to Waste Time on Social Media

No, contrary to popular belief, social media is not just for the college kids. It’s a powerful weapon of spreading ideas like an industry conference, a workshop, except it’s all online, and all the experts in all the fields are available here. People use it to develop professional links. Marketers use it to promote their brands. So no, it’s not just for the idlers, or the non-serious lot who has nothing to do with their lives.


Let the Recruiters Find Me

Yes it’s a good thing that you made a LinkedIn profile. But it’s a mistake if you think it’s enough. But you also need to keep increasing and growing your network and update it every once in a while to add latest project’s achievements and skills acquired.

Use terminologies, skills and responsibilities that better showcase your talents and build your image the way you want it to be. Do not use technical terminologies from the past. Use these essentially simple keywords that will help recruiters find you online.Not to mention, keep adding to your recommendations and acquire skill endorsements from more and more people who’ve worked with you. And of course, be active in the relevant communities.

Twitter is just for the Famous

Is the famous use their controversial tweets all the time to gain added fame and notoriety. But Twitter is also important to your firm and because of the trend of online marketing and broadcasting. You can stay abreast with the communication amongst the companies and people who could be beneficial for your career or your field or brand.

Whatever I do on My Social Media is My Business

Even though it should be true, but be warned! Employers won’t be too impressed if your social media showcases any indecent or compromising behavior on your part, like any implicating Photographs which is the exact opposite of the type of people they want; responsible, respectful and sensible. Whether the content is just unflattering, or downright illegal, it would become your bane. Thus you should keep a check on your privacy settings.

What I write or Buy Online is no One’s Business

Personal and professional lives are not always separate; at least not on the social media, where both these lives are intertwined. So activities like reading, recommending, buying stuff or blogging and writing on the internet is available to anyone who needs to look you up. And yes, abusing your boss or colleagues and other professionals, complaining about company policies and having grudges online eventually make their way to the higher-ups.

Online Networking is useless for Me

This is not true. It acts as a research tool to acquire dossier on any company and the culture before a crucial meeting with this company or delivering a sales pitch to them. Secondly it gets you some familiarity to these people through common friends, groups, online communities etc. which could work for your benefit.

Author Bio:

This article is written by Austin Richard. He instructs 9L0-314 certification at and he is 9L0-408 exam certified. He likes to write about different informative articles.

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