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Best Home Energy Monitoring Gadgets

If you are trying to lose weight then you already know that keeping track of what you eat is the only sensible way of knowing if you are doing all that you can to achieve your goals. In exactly the same way we can now see how much energy we are consuming in order to try and control our utility bills.

You might not be aware of the products and services which are around right now, as most of them are relatively new. However, it is to be expected that they start to gain more of a market share as the public become aware of the importance of controlling their energy consumption.

This isn’t only important in a financial sense. You should also take into account the importance to the environment of not using any more energy than you have to. With so much focus being placed on the welfare of the planet it is no wonder than many of us have decided that this is a huge reason for taking more control over our home energy consumption in the future.

There are a few ways of doing this right now and here are some of the most popular ones which you might be interested in finding out more about.


This product promises to help you save up to 25% on your utility bills, so it has to be worth looking at. It gives you a very professional looking dashboard which uses graphs and spreadsheets to show you how much energy you are using. You can also control your thermostat remotely to make sure that you are always in control of your home’s heating.


Here we have a company which offers a service direct to utility companies and which could be entering into the direct to consumers market shortly. The idea is very similar to the first one we covered and allows a smarter use of home energy through being able to see what is being used, is your double glazing proving its worth, do you need more insulation or perhaps you should invest in solar technology.

Google PowerMeter

To use this free energy monitoring tool from the search engine giant you need to get your energy from one of the firm’s partners in this operation. If you don’t then you can still buy a device which lets you use it.


This option uses the online approach like the Google PowerMeter. The firm started off dealing with utilities and now offer products direct to customers as well.

There are a number of other companies working in this area currently as well as those we have mentioned. It certainly looks as though it is going to be an area of future growth and that can only be good news for the consumers who are keen to keep an eye on their energy use and control their bills.

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