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Jobseeker Recruitment Agencies – Giving Your Chances A Shot In The Arm

There was a time not so long ago when simply to use an online recruitment agency was to inherently stand a better chance of being picked up by an employer. The reason being that it was a relatively new idea and not one that was widely followed or utilised by most – the old-fashioned approach being the most common and popular. These days, however, things are rather different to say the least and the online agency has taken over as the new standard. Most wouldn’t think twice about skipping the conventional recruitment agency in Brentwood in favour of the online version – the latter being known to make things faster, easier and more rewarding by far.

Of course, what all of the above adds up to is a scenario where those adopting the 2015 online standard will face stronger and more abundant competition than ever before. Looking for jobs online can still be advantageous, but as the most common way of looking for jobs it doesn’t inherently give anyone an advantage over anyone else.

So if the playing field really has been levelled to such an extent, what can any given jobseeker do to give their own chances of success a shot in the arm?

Back to Basics

Well, first of all it’s a good idea to remember that the old-fashioned approach to job seeking may not be the most popular these days, but it’s far from dead and buried. And very far from it at that as when you consider how many jobs are still posted in newspapers, job centres and others conventional listings alike, you suddenly realise than the web-based approach isn’t the be all and end all. Of course, there’s no denying the fact that most businesses – especially those looking for entry-level workers – advertise online, but there are so many other posts that either appear online after they appeared elsewhere or don’t in fact appear online at all.

Targeted Job Searches

In the same vein as the above point, the vast majority of recruitment agencies and employers alike highly recommend really going to town when it comes to targeted job searching. What this basically means is not falling into the trap of assuming that all the great jobs will appear right there in front of you, but instead going out and finding them proactively. It might sound a little hard-fought and time-consuming and indeed it is, but it can be very much worth the effort. Rather than waiting for your perfect post at the perfect company to appear, get in touch with the company and find out what’s happening. Get yourself known to them and beat the other candidates at the punch – proactivity will almost always work in your favour.

Social Media Profiles

A recruitment agency can only ever do so much for anyone as it isn’t in fact, always them doing the hiring, unless you are a temp!  Chances are they won’t even have any influence in the decision made by their clients, which means it’s up to you to wow them from the first time they hear your name. Now more than ever, this means building a strong online profile by way of your social media presence as you can rest assured they’ll both be looked at and taken into account. So if you think your LinkedIn or Facebook page won’t really have an influence on things, you can think again – they will!

Stay Busy

The worst thing you can possibly do whilst looking for a job is do nothing else but look for a job. There will always be those for whom the process of finding an ideal post becomes so consuming that it’s all they end up doing…or at least the only productive thing they do. In the eyes of recruiters, there’s very little more unpleasant and unappealing than the sight of a big blank space on a CV without a very, very good reason for it. And as there’s rarely a good reason to be found, you’re far better off filling this time with beneficial pursuits and activities. From furthering your education to taking on unpaid work or even accepting a job that’s not exactly the one you were looking for, you need to stay busy with something of value.

Seek Advice

Last but not least, never forget that if you’re not exactly up there with the world’s CV and interview gurus, the gurus are the people you should be talking to. Whether it’s taking a few pointers on penning a CV or simply asking for a few tips from those that know interviews better than anyone else, there’s a world of help and guidance out there meaning there’s no need to follow a trial and error approach.

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