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Know How An Expert Money Manger Can Help Make Investment Money Spinning

With his wonderful vision power, expertise in portfolio management and consistent business approach Chuck Whitman Infinium co-founded Infinium Capital Management enterprise in 2002 in Chicago. Infinium is a pioneering business enterprise and has been focused on high-volume electronic trading and capital market commodity products and derivatives. From the perspective of an asset management company, these commodities are wide-ranging financial products and instruments like bonds, currencies, and other investment tools. Mr. Whitman also worked out unique ways enabling people to invest in grains, precious metal items and energy products with minimum risk. The wide ranging products and consistent management of ICM helped it gain great market share in due course of time.

With a career goal to become a successful, efficient and customer friendly Investment Manager, following completion of his bachelor’s degree Mr. Whitman worked as a portfolio manager in a few reputed companies that made him seasoned in understanding American Capital Market, Investors fondness and the overall industry. For some years he worked for Blink Trading LLC situated in Chicago, which was later acquired by the GETCO group. Subsequently, he founded ICM in partnership with Mr. Johnson. Being a long time player in Money management, Chuck Whitman Infinium has connection with a series of major stock exchanges and societies. Among them, some notable are Chicago Board of Trade, Minneapolis Grain-Exchange Association, Chicago Mercantile Association and Chicago’s Board of Options Exchange.

In 2013, Chuck Whitman Infinium introduced his new enterprise Whitman Asset Management for investors of Chicago and its adjoining areas. Offering clients with Tactical Asset Management methods and solutions is the main business aim of WAM. Its Micro Tactical Asset Allocation techniques and research based micro investment procedures has received great response from American corporate Investors. Mr. Whitman has been a highly respected and well acknowledged money management personality right from the time he initiated Infinium Capital Management. With his in-depth knowledge, outlook and brilliant speculation ability, in different times he introduced a number of money-spinning investment plans from ICM platform. Eventually, this made ICM one of the top dependable, customer preferred as well as revenue earning wealth management companies in the US market.

Lately, Chuck Whitman Infinium has been referred to as the ‘Super-Trader’ by the distinguished portfolio persona Dr. Van Tharp. With a view to offer his valued investors’ superior class returns from their investments, Mr. Whitman is always self-motivated and considers it as his professional obligation. As a money manager guide he remains always vigilant to the major factors like corporate world happenings, stock market, governmental policies apart from the national and global economy which impact significantly on capital market health.

In his free times, he likes spending time in research and detection of more designed ways to protect each investor’s money. He also attends continuing education courses every year to keep him updated with all new changes in Capital market industry. From the beginning of his career, he used to take part in different seminars, discussion session and conventions relating to money management policies.

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