New Designs For a Traditional Office Suite: The Release of Microsoft’s Office 2013Posted by On

As the newest version of Microsoft’s popular office software is coming on the market, lots of developers and others are looking at the specific characteristics that this upgraded design offers to users. In releasing Office 2013, Microsoft is building on a long-standing reputation for creating user-friendly tools for anything from word processing and spreadsheets to web design and visual presentation. Microsoft Office 2013 includes lots of the old favorites, and some new tricks as well, to help match the needs of a dynamic user community that is focused more and more on versatile programming for mobile devices.

Microsoft Office 2013 For Business and Personal Use

Many of the traditional items that Microsoft has retained with this office suite can help individuals and small businesses to pursue their various goals and objectives in simple desktop programming. For instance, Microsoft Word assists in writing letters or creating various kinds of marketing documents, while the Excel spreadsheet is a critical resource for many business owners in terms of practical management solutions.

For example, a small company with a business model that includes moving large items for clients can carefully organize customer contacts, particular client needs, and anything else about a moving job into the programmable rows and columns of this easy-to-use spreadsheet software. Other items for web design can also help a business to get brand visibility without investing in additional software.

New Features of Microsoft Office 2013

Some of the new items in Office 2013 are oriented towards the more agile use of outside applications or ‘apps.’  Microsoft is boosting a ‘new cloud app model’ intended to help users integrate applications into others in new and exciting ways –  application programming interface, or API, tools can help developers and other tech-savvy users blend different applications or make them ‘talk to one another’ for a more powerful software architecture that goes beyond what previous editions of Microsoft Office offered to the users of the 1990s.

Looking at the new 2013 design of MS Office reveals about how business computing is changing. Businesses are looking at new cloud-based technology and other innovations to enable more agile deployment for sales, customer service and record-keeping software, as well as specific IT architectures for “big data” and analytics that will help business leaders to plan for the future. The “app-centric”  design of Office 2013 illustrates this principle, and is part of how this upgrade will appeal to enterprise users who are looking to add Office 2013 to a local network or specific hardware units. For more, check out Microsoft’s user guides for this new and improved office suite.



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