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Sinus Problems and Natural Ways to Help Them

Sinus problems are one of the most frequent complaints that bring people to the doctor’s office. Often the treatment includes a prescription for antibiotics, which may or may not be necessary. With the growing concern about the overuse of antibiotics contributing to increasing bacterial resistance which renders them less effective, many people are now looking to natural remedies and some even turn to hypnotherapy. Some of these remedies have been used successfully for centuries to treat many kinds of infections, including sinusitis.

Our sinuses, located around our nose, eyes and cheekbones, filter the air we breathe. They are lined with tiny mucous coated hairs called cilia, which are in constant motion preventing dirt, bacteria and other particles from entering our lungs. The common cold, allergies, pollutants, or exposure to dry air, can irritate the mucus membrane in our sinuses, causing them to become inflamed. The membranes secrete more mucus and motion of the cilia slows, effectively trapping bacteria and excess mucus in the sinus cavities, leading to infection.

The most common symptoms of a sinus infection are: headaches; pressure and pain around the nose, eyes, cheeks and teeth; a thick yellowish-green nasal discharge; post-nasal drip (mucus dripping down the back of the throat); fatigue; or irritability. In children, sinus infections are sometimes accompanied by a low fever. Even very young children can develop a sinus infection and although most infections can be easily treated naturally, it is a little trickier to treat babies and toddlers. The key to loosening up the congestion and lessening the pain and discomfort is hydration.

Ø  Nasal Irrigation – This involves washing out the nasal passages with a warm saline solution. You can easily make your own by combining two cups of warm water with one teaspoon of sea salt and a pinch of baking soda. With older children the saline solution can be administered with a Neti Pot, with toddlers you can use a small spray bottle, nose dropper or nose bulb. Irrigation should be repeated three times daily until the problem is alleviated.

Ø  Compresses – Moist heat helps drain the sinuses and quickly reduces discomfort. Soak several washcloths in warm water and place them around your child’s nose, cheeks and forehead while they are lying on their back. You can increase the effectiveness of the compress by adding two or three drops of eucalyptus, thyme, rosemary, peppermint, tea tree or pau d’arco essential oil to the water. Apply compresses three times a day for five minutes.

Ø  Steam – Steam has the advantage of being able to be used with people of any age, even babies. Adding a few drops of any of the aforementioned essential oils, all of which help fight infection, will increase the steams effectiveness. With infants, you can use a steamer and tent their crib with a sheet. With older children you can simply have them lean over a streaming bowl with a towel draped over their head.

Ø  Fluids – Anyone with a sinus infection should drink plenty of fluids. Keep your child hydrated with water, juice, clear soups or herbal teas sweetened with honey. Hot water mixed lemon juice and honey aids in reducing congestion.

If symptoms persist after four days of using natural remedies, or if sinus infections occur frequently, your child should see a pediatrician. There are a number of factors that can cause sinus infections, such as allergies, that may require other treatment approaches such as dietary changes.

Hello my name is Nisha, I am the Editor for I love to write about health and beauty, especially Complementary Therapies, feel free to visit our site for more information Hypnotherapy.

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