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Home Budgeting via Smartphone

Smart devices and PCs can truly make our lives much easier. They can help us to fulfill our job-related obligations, they can provide our kids all the distraction they need, and some of the smartphones are even quit capable shooters. But did you know that technology has found its way to help you in solving one of the most difficult tasks in existence, and that would be dealing with your family finances?


Rental Rewards – Renting an apartment is a deal between the landlord and the renter, but what if there was a little bit of technology to make this deal more enjoyable for both parties? Rental Rewards, other than being a financial app aimed at renting, also comes with interesting perks. You can set up “Set & Forget” automatic payments, and “Rent reminders” which will prompt the entire process.

Budget Trackers

Wallet – A great platform that helps you to make sense out of your financial status, set your monthly incomes, record expenses, and construct a budget. You can also sync these settings across several devices, so the rest of your family can get an insight into the shared finances too.

Wally – In its essence, this offering is very similar to the previous one, but it also introduces some neat features like setting your saving goals, and social settings that can allow you to track where did you spend your money and with whom.

A Little on the Side

OurGroceries – This super helpful app will let you share your grocery list with your spouse, sort it by the item type, and sync the changes across devices in real time. Very useful when you are shopping in different places, and need to stay on track with your remaining funds.

Acorns – If you do not have enough time to play with investments, Acorns will round up your expenses to next dollar and automatically invest that spare change into some persified portfolio. Acorns will charge you this service $1 a month, but you have to admit it, investing has never been easier.

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