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Using Videos As An Effective Employee Training Medium In Today’s Digitized World

Using Videos As An Effective Employee Training Medium In Today’s Digitized World

Using videos to train employees at every level is a common practice today. This mode is fast becoming a popular way to train employees or provide them updates of important information, in a way that can easily be recalled and remembered.  Video content is specially used to supplement corporate training programs.  Video training is effective because it is interesting, breaks through the clutter and people generally remember visual content better than verbose text.  Organizations today are looking at incorporating newer, better and effective means to deliver trainings so they are increasingly looking at a holistic approach to training that includes interactive videos as well.

Let’s look at some of the ways you can use videos to train your employees, new and old.

New hires can benefit from Business video training content. No matter how experienced the new hire is, onboarding training is essential.  A video training library to facilitate absorption process is of concrete help. If a new hire has worked in a different company previously, he is usually set in his habits. In such a situation, a video training program is quite effective in communicating to the new hire, how to go about doing things the acceptable way in the current company.

A typical problem in organizations is that employees usually don’t have a clear picture how the company products or services work. The employees may not know how the customers use the products or how it differs from that of the competition. Companies are adopting various methods such as field videos, screen recordings, and end-to-end walk-throughs to create a team of knowledgeable employees.

When employees work in a compartmentalized environment, they tend not to collaborate effectively. Videos can be an effective tool for educating employees on cross-departmental activity, goals, etc.

Videos have turned out to be a great tool in management training programs. In an environment where managers are pressed for time, video material can fit into the schedule of the manager.

Video training is especially useful for front-line employees. Front line is where a great deal of the turnover is taking place in many companies. On the other hand, front-line employees usually learn the ropes from the local manager, usually the one who may have recruited them. In this situation, well-crafted training modules that can be viewed by the front-line employees, even on smart phones at their own convenience, is quite cost-effective.

Video training is an effective tool in sales training as well. Sales teams may be widely dispersed, sometimes across the globe. This at times hinders the management from bringing the team together. Video training enablement in sales gives the team a competitive edge. Training in communications, attracting prospects, closing deals, onboarding, etc. can be imparted through video.

Video training is of great benefit in compliance training. Video technology enables monitoring whether the employee has seen the video till the end and what his learnings are. There are regulatory and legal risks such as sexual harassment laws that have to be clearly understood by the employee. Video is an ideal medium for this kind of training.

Videos, recorded or live streamed, can effectively expand the reach of conferences, training programs, marquee events, conventions, etc. They connect employees. Attending these conferences boost employee morale, making it a smart and resource-effective medium to connect and collaborate.

Remember to keep recordings of your videos for posterity. If institutional knowledge information is not recorded, it can walk out with the employee when he leaves to work. Reviewing recorded performance helps to train and keep employee behaviour in check.

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