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Ways of Using Content As a Revenue Generating Source

The prime objective of a business from all the online efforts is to generate sales and achieve a higher ROI. Therefore, marketers are always in search of ways by which they could increase the sales, and statistically demonstrate the ROI.

When it comes to generating sales, the content holds crucial importance. There are many marketing service providers, that offer small business SEO services, as well as on a larger scale, they all emphasis on the importance of content in generating revenue. The lines below give three major ways in which the content could be utilized to generate revenue.

1. Unambiguous Conversion Goal:

The major problem lies in making the arriving traffic to perform some action. You might manage to get good traffic from by applying different tactics like using social media, sending emails, driving traffic from blogs and so on.

However, when the user lands at a page he always wonders what to do next. This is where most of the websites fail, and the user bounces back from the website without making any action that could lead to a sale.

Remedy- The cure to such a situation is the use of persuasive call to action on your landing pages. These call to actions are what will make the user take action, which can later on be captured and nurtured into a sale. A call to action can be in the form of white paper or any signup form.

2. Keywords Selection:

Before the Panda update, you could just go on blindly including the keywords in your content. However, the situation is no more the same after Panda. Now you have to be very cautious about the use of keywords in your content, this does not mean that you must stop using keywords in your content at all. Rather you need to be smart in their use.

Once you have found the highly converting keywords, then you can write content around them in the form of

The better content you write with the keywords carefully used in it, more are the chances of increased traffic that actually converts in to leads or sales.

3. Using Conversions in the Context:

When performing the on-site SEO try to have separate target pages for every product or service. Do not write your on page content, on one page and add all the keywords to it, which will give a spammy air.

When writing or creating content, you must keep the goal of conversion in the context. Like if you are writing a blog post, the goal of it should be to make the user download your white paper. Therefore, every blog post you right should have the keywords and terms that are there in the white paper.

A good internet marketing agency constantly blogs about the topics in the white paper, and then places a suitable and persuasive call to action alongside the post, then your chances of conversion increase substantially.


In short, its all about how you utilize your content that generates revenue. Simply writing straight forward content wont give any monetary benefits, rather you should suitable utilize the content by keeping in view its context and possible impacts.

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