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Web Design: Know How Important It Is To Increase Your Page Rank

The importance of a site is the main factor for Google page ranking. This is a ranking on a scale from 1 to 10. A higher page rank means your site holds higher importance when it is indexed by Google. If you have an online business, then page rank is one factor to see increased traffic. You can review a series of tips for website design to help increase your Google page rank.

The biggest factor to ensure that your website will attract visitors is to provide good content. Content on your website needs to be unique and interesting to engage visitors. The goal is to convert a sales lead to a paying customer. If you do not provide good content on your site, then visitors will not return.

Another factor to consider for website design is to make sure your code is clean. This includes how the keywords are used in the structure of a URL and in Meta tags. You need to check your code during any search engine optimisation that is done for your website. If you have clean code, users that do an online search can easily learn about your website.

Internal linking is a factor that relates to search engine optimisation. Internal links on your site need to be optimised for good navigation. This means that a link back to your home page is to be added to each page of your site. If users cannot navigate back to your home page, they will leave and go find another site. You need to maximise your internal linking to achieve a higher page rank.

Links that come into your website will help to increase its page rank. This is a step used in SEO for your website and is done to get backlinks. The backlinks for a website are like votes and will show that a website is increasing in importance. However, you need to use backlinks that are not being penalised by Google because they are of bad quality.

Keywords and long tail also should be included in any website design. The proper use of keywords for your website is crucial for organic searches. You need to focus on unique keywords and not keywords that are commonly used for online searches. The goal is to have your website rank for various keyword combinations. This is the best way to increase your page rank.

About the Guest Author:

My name is Michelle. I am a tech writer from UK. I am into Finance. At present I am focusing on ppi claims . Catch me @financeport

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