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What Can Be The Legal Repercussion Of Defamation And Slander Online

The growing popularity of the social networking websites has given rise to defamation claims. One of the main reasons that can be the cause of the issue is due to the derogatory remarks and negative statements made on the web. To protect the image of the business, one should take the assistance of lawsuit. There can be different legal outcomes of defamation and slander.

What are the possible damages of defamation?

In all ways, when the false statement reaches the 3rd party, it can become a legal case. The possible damage to the one who has been the subject of the remark could be a loss of reputation, financial loss, loss of clientele, loss of business, and loss of health. To learn more about legal repercussions of tortious-interference, you can refer to the website

Social Networking Sites

Defamation removal law states that when the negative information is shared on a global platform like social forums, it can create some serious legal issues. In the context to defamation, it includes learning about who has destroyed the reputation and has posted the statements.

If the information is posted on social networking websites such as Twitter or Facebook, then it becomes very easy to figure out the identity of the speaker.  Depending on the privacy settings of the speaker, the message is viewed by people and the extent of its spread can be determined.

Blogs and social discussion forums

Blogging has become a popular trend to share your personal views with others. Some blogger persona make use of their actual identity while blogging something in any of the social forums, whereas some choose to hide their identities so as to protect themselves from any lawsuit. It becomes difficult to determine the identity of the person who has posted a statement about any company or a person, if his identity is not revealed anywhere in the blog page.

Another thing is to figure out the real name of the users who have commented on blogs or news articles online. This is because in some of the web sites, it does not ask people to provide and use their true names, and email address. Even if a site requires one to provide their personal details, there is always the possibility of the user not disclosing their real identity.

What to do if you find any such defaming statement online?

If you find that certain negative content is present on the website, then you need to contact the blogger and tell them to remove the statement. The owner of the blogging website has full control over the content published on their sites. So, they can easily and quickly delete bad comments from their website. This will definitely help in saving you from getting harmed to a lot of extents.

Same applies to Internet service providers, who are not legally liable for all the material that is published by other people on the websites. They can easily remove it or help one in finding out the person who published it.


Learning about the legal repercussions and hiring a professional attorney would definitely save you from the detrimental impact of the online slander or defamation.

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