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Why You Should Create A Job If You Can’t Find One

Start a business - Shutterstock

Start a business - Shutterstock

It’s the same old story for new graduates these days, only worse. You spend all of that time training for what you want to do, accumulate an intimidating debt, only to find that there are literally no jobs available for you. Many people will just refuse to accept this and spend every waking moment trying to find work that doesn’t exist. But this isn’t the only way. You can also create your own work by starting your own business.

How do You Start?

Of course, the hardest part of any business is getting started. The problem is that many businesses require some startup money to get off the ground.  This can be pretty intimidating until you realize that there are a lot of ways to get money for a business that you might not have considered. You can look for small business grant money, for example. There are a lot of sites online dedicated to listing the state and federal possibilities for getting grants. You could also borrow money from friends or family, or even solicit local businesses. The most important part of getting grant money is writing a good grant proposal. There are many free resources online that can show you just how to do this. And just like that, you’ll have your startup money and you’ll be on your way to creating your own job instead of sinking more time into job searching.

Where do You Work?

People who’ve just started out with thinking about starting their own business might be confused about where you could actually work. After all, renting office space can be really expensive. But it’s actually not necessary to work in an office anymore. Everything can be done virtually, including the customer service part of your business. This can be done with an answer service instead. These services will take appointments or messages in a friendly manner for any of your customers that call in. So you don’t actually need an office when you have a virtual secretary of sorts anyway.

Working from Home

These days, running a business from home is easier than ever and honestly you can get away with almost no startup costs at all. The only real costs for most businesses you s tart online from your house will be basic stuff like registration costs, and purchasing any inventory you need, as well as marketing. You’ll also need to buy a website domain as well, of course. But these costs are nothing compared to needing to outfit an entire office. And you can take a lot of the advertising into your own hands by doing social media advertising instead, which can take up time instead of money. And most of the time when you’re just starting out you have a lot more time on your hands than you do money. Sites like Facebook and Twitter provide the perfect opportunity to build a network from the ground up yourself instead of relying on other people to do it for you and then offer you a job doing it for less money.

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